In-Betweeners: The Absence of Gender Fluidity in Media

A “Bitch Flicks” publication

In-Betweeners: The Absence of Gender Fluidity in Media

In some ways, we have come a long way. I can now turn on the TV or head to the movies and see gay, lesbian, or bisexual characters. Even more recently, I have even seen multiple transgender characters on shows like Orange is the New Black. But there was a time when these representations were less frequent, confined to art house films. I remember my fascination with transmen characters like Brandon in Boys Don’t Cry or Max from The L Word. I looked at them and wondered, “Is that me?” I used to deny just how much we ingest media into our personalities and our understandings of our physical beings, but I’ve come to recognize how I compare myself to the images presented. Since I have no gender fluid characters, I turn toward the lesbian and trans communities. 

Published by EAFrancis

E.A. Francis is an activist and interdisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles, CA. He is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago's Fiction Writing Department and has continued their studies at Second City and Chicago Filmmakers. Edward is currently focused on supporting projects that analyze racism, transphobia, homophobia, and prejudicial policies. His work examines social issues surrounding gender, culture, history, and liberation movements. He's worked in the areas of storytelling, theatre, and education.

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